Worker Health & Safety Concerns
If you have health and safety concerns at your worksite, please complete BWDSB form AF3813 and submit to your administration immediately. Paper copies of AF3813 should be available on your school’s H&S bulletin board, and an electronic copy is available here:
BWDSB Worker H&S Concern Form AF3813
If the concern is related to Indoor Air Quality: BWDSB af3805_indoor_air_quality_concern_form.docx
You may wish to speak to one of the Worker Reps on your worksite's Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) about the concern as well. JHSC members should be listed on your the H&S bulletin board of your school or worksite. If your concerns are not addressed at the school level, you may contact the TBU Health and Safety Officer, Bonnie Cameron, at [email protected] and/or the District Health and Safety Officer, Brian Windross, at [email protected] .
TBU Health & Safety Reps:
(members of each school's JHSC)
BPDS: Emily Cameron
GBCS: Katie Holmes
GHSS: Kelly Plater
JDSS: vacant
KDSS: Jennifer Kozak
OSDSS: Pat Day
PSDS: Graham Harada
SDSS: Kathryn Vogan
WDCS: Melissa Lawrence
BWDSB Worker H&S Concern Form AF3813
If the concern is related to Indoor Air Quality: BWDSB af3805_indoor_air_quality_concern_form.docx
You may wish to speak to one of the Worker Reps on your worksite's Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) about the concern as well. JHSC members should be listed on your the H&S bulletin board of your school or worksite. If your concerns are not addressed at the school level, you may contact the TBU Health and Safety Officer, Bonnie Cameron, at [email protected] and/or the District Health and Safety Officer, Brian Windross, at [email protected] .
TBU Health & Safety Reps:
(members of each school's JHSC)
BPDS: Emily Cameron
GBCS: Katie Holmes
GHSS: Kelly Plater
JDSS: vacant
KDSS: Jennifer Kozak
OSDSS: Pat Day
PSDS: Graham Harada
SDSS: Kathryn Vogan
WDCS: Melissa Lawrence
THE BlueWater Online Incident Reporting Tool
To report incidents of violence and aggression in schools, as well as any student behaviours for which suspension or expulsion must be considered, BWDSB employees must use the Bluewater Online Incident Reporting Tool, which can be found in the Bluewater Staff Portal under “Reporting.” This replaces both the former Safe Schools Incident Reporter (SSIR), and form AF7520: Workplace Incident Reporting.
You must report your concern to administration immediately, and then you must complete the online incident report no later than the end of the same school day. This applies to any employee who witnesses acts of violence or aggression, as well as any employees who were involved or who were targets of violence or threats of violence.
We also urge all TBU members to click the box indicating that you give consent for the report to be shared with your federation (with all info that might identify a student removed) so that the TBU President can follow up and ensure that appropriate steps were taken.
The Education Act requires all board employees to report, as soon as reasonably possible, any student behaviours for which suspension or expulsion must be considered (see page 2 of the attached document). The Occupational Health and Safety Act requires workers to report any and all incidents of violence in the workplace. The employee must consider the safety of others and the urgency of the situation in reporting the incident, and must report it to the principal no later than the end of the school day.
Workplace violence, as per the Occupational Health and Safety Act, is defined below. Use the definition to determine if the incident meets the intent of this legislation.
The Bluewater Online Incident Reporting Tool is where all employees report:
The Bluewater Online Incident Reporting Tool can be accessed at https://bwdsbonlineincidentreporting.oesc-cseo.ca or in the Staff Portal.
1. Open the BWDSB Staff Portal. There are 2 ways you can do this:
The user guide for the Bluewater Online Incident Reporting Tool can be accessed on SharePoint > Staff Resources > Safe Schools OR SharePoint > Staff Resources > Online Incident Reporting. Training videos are also available on SharePoint.
You must report your concern to administration immediately, and then you must complete the online incident report no later than the end of the same school day. This applies to any employee who witnesses acts of violence or aggression, as well as any employees who were involved or who were targets of violence or threats of violence.
We also urge all TBU members to click the box indicating that you give consent for the report to be shared with your federation (with all info that might identify a student removed) so that the TBU President can follow up and ensure that appropriate steps were taken.
The Education Act requires all board employees to report, as soon as reasonably possible, any student behaviours for which suspension or expulsion must be considered (see page 2 of the attached document). The Occupational Health and Safety Act requires workers to report any and all incidents of violence in the workplace. The employee must consider the safety of others and the urgency of the situation in reporting the incident, and must report it to the principal no later than the end of the school day.
Workplace violence, as per the Occupational Health and Safety Act, is defined below. Use the definition to determine if the incident meets the intent of this legislation.
- The exercise of physical force by a person against a worker, that causes or could cause physical injury to the worker
- An attempt to exercise physical force against a worker that could cause physical injury to the worker
- A statement or behaviour that is reasonable for a worker to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against the worker that could cause physical injury to the worker
The Bluewater Online Incident Reporting Tool is where all employees report:
- Any incident of workplace violence as defined by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, regardless of whether the act or threat was from a student, an employee or an outsider to the Board.
- Any time an employee becomes aware of a student infraction for which a suspension may be imposed by the principal, or any student infraction for which a principal may consider the recommendation to the Board that a student be expelled.
- In these situations, the employee must verbally report the infraction and any details to the principal/vice principal or teacher-in-charge at the earliest and safest opportunity, and then submit the online report as soon as possible.
- Where two or more board staff and/or transportation providers become aware of the same incident, each staff member and transportation provider shall make a report of each incident.
The Bluewater Online Incident Reporting Tool can be accessed at https://bwdsbonlineincidentreporting.oesc-cseo.ca or in the Staff Portal.
1. Open the BWDSB Staff Portal. There are 2 ways you can do this:
- From your teacher laptop, click the “Staff Portal” icon on the desktop.
- From a personal computer, go to www.bwdsb.on.ca, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on “Staff Portal.” (You may need to log in with your current BWDSB login and password. Remember that this is in the format [email protected], not [email protected].
The user guide for the Bluewater Online Incident Reporting Tool can be accessed on SharePoint > Staff Resources > Safe Schools OR SharePoint > Staff Resources > Online Incident Reporting. Training videos are also available on SharePoint.
Workplace Injury
If you are injured in the workplace or become ill because of something that occurs at work,
WSIB Form 6 can be completed online, or you can download the form as a PDF, fill it in, and submit it. Visit www.wsib.ca/en/forms#Report, scroll down to "report an injury or illness," and select the appropriate option.
Completed WSIB forms must also be emailed to [email protected] .
- Seek appropriate medical attention first.
- Report the injury/illness to your supervisor immediately.
- Complete WSIB Form 6 as soon as possible.
WSIB Form 6 can be completed online, or you can download the form as a PDF, fill it in, and submit it. Visit www.wsib.ca/en/forms#Report, scroll down to "report an injury or illness," and select the appropriate option.
Completed WSIB forms must also be emailed to [email protected] .
If you contract COVID and believe that you may have contracted with while at school/work, it is recommended that you fill out WSIB Form 6 (Worker’s Report of Injury or Disease) and submit to WSIB as soon as possible after you become ill. The long-term effects of COVID are still not fully understood, and notifying WSIB that you became ill as a result of your job is an important step towards protecting yourself should long COVID influence your ability to work in the future.
Members are also advised to complete and submit WSIB Form 3958a (Worker’s Exposure Incident Form).
These WSIB forms can be completed online, or you can download them as PDFs. Visit www.wsib.ca/en/forms#Report, scroll down to "report an injury or illness" or "report an exposure incident" and select the appropriate option.
Completed WSIB forms must also be emailed to [email protected] .
Members are also advised to complete and submit WSIB Form 3958a (Worker’s Exposure Incident Form).
These WSIB forms can be completed online, or you can download them as PDFs. Visit www.wsib.ca/en/forms#Report, scroll down to "report an injury or illness" or "report an exposure incident" and select the appropriate option.
Completed WSIB forms must also be emailed to [email protected] .
Do you have questions about your Health & Safety rights when it comes to COVID-19?
The OFL has created a useful guide for education workers, which clarifies specific workers' rights under the Occupational Health and Safety Act during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, the guide provides information about:
BWDSB H&S Worker Concern Form AF3813
Health and Safety Inspection Checklist
OSSTF's Guide to Workplace Safety
OSSTF Handbook for H&S Reps
OSSTF's Health and Safety Checklist for COVID-19 Issues for Members
OSSTF/FEESO COVID-related WSIB Claim Checklist for Members
WSIB Form 6 (to be used by the worker to report an illness or injury)
WSIB Worker's Exposure Incident Form
WSIB Tracking Form
WSIB Claims: Reporting an Injury (includes Functional Abilities Form)
BWDSB Functional Abilities Form (PDF format)
BWDSB Functional Abilities Form (Word format)
The Bluewater Online Incident Reporting Tool
Student Incident Report Form
Workplace Violence in School Boards -- a Guide to the Law
Workplace Assault Protocol
The 3 Rs of Workplace Violence
AODA Accessibility
AODA Compliance
AODA Training Pamphlet
Quick Reference to Sections of the Ontario Fire Code Applicable to Education
Industrial Regulations Applicable to Education
Indoor Air Quality Occupant Interview
Scent-Free Zone Poster English
Scent-Free Zone Poster français
Health and Safety Inspection Checklist
OSSTF's Guide to Workplace Safety
OSSTF Handbook for H&S Reps
OSSTF's Health and Safety Checklist for COVID-19 Issues for Members
OSSTF/FEESO COVID-related WSIB Claim Checklist for Members
WSIB Form 6 (to be used by the worker to report an illness or injury)
WSIB Worker's Exposure Incident Form
WSIB Tracking Form
WSIB Claims: Reporting an Injury (includes Functional Abilities Form)
BWDSB Functional Abilities Form (PDF format)
BWDSB Functional Abilities Form (Word format)
The Bluewater Online Incident Reporting Tool
Student Incident Report Form
Workplace Violence in School Boards -- a Guide to the Law
Workplace Assault Protocol
The 3 Rs of Workplace Violence
AODA Accessibility
AODA Compliance
AODA Training Pamphlet
Quick Reference to Sections of the Ontario Fire Code Applicable to Education
Industrial Regulations Applicable to Education
Indoor Air Quality Occupant Interview
Scent-Free Zone Poster English
Scent-Free Zone Poster français